Co-op Bank Awards Fourteen Scholarships

On June 27, 2019, Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited awarded scholarships to fourteen students as part of its annual Super Starter Education Investment Plan Programme.  

Seven silver scholarships, each valued at $1,000, were awarded to primary school students and seven gold scholarships, each valued at $2,000, were awarded to secondary school students. The lottery draw was conducted in the presence of the Bank’s Auditors, Pannell Kerr Foster. 

Co-op Bank’s Super Starter Education Investment Plan Scholarship Programme was specially designed to ensure that Plan beneficiaries from all parishes, including Carriacou, qualify.  For the past ten years, Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited has awarded 140 scholarships throughout the island, assisting parents to cover primary and secondary school expenses, and this year, the Bank presented fourteen more.  

To date the Bank has invested over $492,500 in the Super Starter Education Investment Plan Scholarship Programme.

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