Wealth Management Services

Our Wealth Management service allows you to meet your financial goals through investment. Cognizant of the need for investment opportunities, we enhanced our suite of products and services to meet your financial needs as a licensed Broker-Dealer since 2015. Whether you choose to invest in regional companies or governments, rest assured that your investment goals will be our priority.

Our licensed representatives are eager to assist you by:

  • Clarifying your investment objectives
  • Defining your risk appetite
  • Offering investment recommendations
  • Participating in auctions for debt investments
  • Trading equity instruments

Starting your investment journey with us

You can trade as an individual or as a business. To start, you will need to establish a brokerage relationship appointing GCBL as your broker. See below for further details.

Corporate Individuals

Our capital market service is the solution for raising or sourcing financing through equity or debt securities

Target clients:

  • Governments
  • State-owned enterprises
  • Publicly listed corporations
  • Privately owned businesses

Services offered:

  • Arranging
  • Underwriting
  • Structuring
  • Initial/Additional public offers
  • Private placements
  • Lead broker services
  • Repurchase Agreements & Reverse Repurchase Agreements

The Eastern Caribbean Securities Market (ECSM) offers a list of public companies within the region as investment options. We can also facilitate trading services in non-listed shares.

Securities of listed companies can be purchased during:

  • An Initial Public Offer (IPO)
  • An Additional Public Offer (APO)
  • A Private Placement

Further information these companies can be found at http://www.ecseonline.com/oecs_pub_co/anguilla.php

Acquire and trade debt instruments issued by Governments or reputable corporations via auctions or private placements.

Investment options include:

  • Short and long term debt instruments
  • Commercial papers
  • Repurchase Agreements & Reverse Repurchase Agreements

As an intermediary of the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE), the Bank provides several administrative services. Thees services include:

  1. Modification of payment options
  2. Update of investor information
  3. Transfer of ownership of securities
  4. Gifting and donation of securities

Open an account

The client needs to meet the account opening requirements of the Wealth Management Services Unit which include:

Find out more

Steps to trade securities

Purchase securities

  1. Appoint GCBL as your Broker by opening a brokerage account
  2. Select securities
  3. Complete Trade Order Form
  4. Make payment for the trade
  5. Receive notification of the status of the order
  6. Receive Confirmation Statement for successful trade

Sell securities

  1. Appoint GCBL as your Broker by opening a brokerage account
  2. Provide proof of ownership of securities
  3. Complete Trade Order form
  4. Receive notification of the trade status
  5. Receive confirmation of the trade
  6. Receive payment for a successful trade

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What types of Wealth Management are offered by Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited?
  1. Administrative services to facilitate changes to investor ECCSD Account
  2. Purchase and sale of equity and debt securities
  3. Arranging of securities on behalf of issuers
    • Additional Public Offerings
    • Initial Public Offerings
    • Debt Instruments (Treasury Bills, Government Bonds, Corporate Notes, Corporate Papers)
How do I appoint GCBL as my Broker?
  1. Online – Complet/Submit the account opening requirements at www.grenadaco-opbank.com/…..
  2. Call us at 1-473-440-2111 ext. 6533 or email [email protected] to set up an appointment remote or in person
  3. Visit us at the Bank at Building No. 8 Church Street, St. George’s, Grenada
What securities can be purchased and what are the prices?

Available securities are listed on the ECSE’s website at

The price of the securities can also be verified with GCBL’s Registered Representatives

What is the minimum number of shares I can purchase?

There is no minimum number of shares that can be purchased. 

A bid can be placed to purchase or sell any number of shares. Shares will be traded based on availability and at the best price for both traders.

What is the Bank’s policy on Anti-Money Laundering?

Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited has established policies for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. These policies are in compliance with, and required by, the legal and financial framework. 

Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited has absolutely no tolerance for activities that are geared to be fraudulent or misleading. Any such activities will be reported to the authorities accordingly.

How can investments in securities be financed?

Payments can be made to Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited via cheques, drafts and wire transfers. All cash must be presented to a Retail Banking Unit.

What are the fees associated with investments?

A minimal fee of XCD $25.00 will be charged for normal administrative services. Additional fees will be required based on the type of services required.

A Registered Representative will be happy to confirm the final charges for all transactions as additional ECSE fees may apply.

How do I choose an investment option?

Choosing an investment option depends on several factors such as age, personal circumstances, financial commitments, liquidity needs and risk appetite.

Can investors change their minds and withdraw an investment(s) at any time?

Yes. An investor can withdraw an investment prematurely, however there will be a fee incurred for this service. In terms of a trade, more information can be obtained from a Licensed Agent at the Bank. See contact information.

How can I keep track of my investments?

You will be provided with regular quarterly statements. You are also welcome to contact us to review your existing portfolio. We may provide suggestions for your consideration based on ad hoc market situations and new personal or financial developments.

What investment is best for me?

The best investment depends on your finances, circumstances and goals. The investment solutions may also vary for individuals and companies. It is therefore important to seek quality advice to plan your investment road map.

How is an investment different from savings?

Investment and savings differ primarily in their purpose, risk and potential for return.

Generally, investments offer greater returns than savings. Although riskier, investments allow for greater growth in value over time.

Savings offer you the security of earning steady returns through interest payments, whereas, with investments, you take a risk on whether you make a return or not.

You should only invest if you are prepared to take the risk that your investment value may fluctuate

How much should I invest?

There is no recommended amount, but there is a common misconception that you must always invest only large sums of money.

If you are new to investments, as a general rule, start by investing what you can afford to lose.

Investors who consistently invest small sums can be just as successful as career lump sum investors

How long will it take to profit from my investment?

The time it takes to profit and the amount of profit earned from investments vary due to several factors such as the following:

  1. Investment Type
  2. Market Conditions
  3. Investment Time Horizon

It is recommended that you invest for as long as a period of time possible to increase your chances as much as possible.

What/When is a trading day?

The day/period that the ECSE is open for trading. Generally between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays with the exception of public holidays in St. Kitts & Nevis

What/when is settlement day?

The day the securities and funds are exchanged between buyer and seller/issuer

Can my securities be used after my investment?

Securities can be used as collateral (security) for loans and can also be sold

What is the minimum number of shares I can purchase or sell?

The minimum number of shares that can be purchased is 20