St. George’s, May 13th, 2024, In a ceremonial handover held at the Radisson Grenada Beach Resort on May 8th, 2024, Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited presented $584,392 to the Ministry of Mental Health, Wellness and Religious Affairs for the Carlton Home Rehabilitation Centre for Substance Abusers. 

The handover ceremony concluded the Bank’s efforts to raise $500,000 to re-establish Carlton Home through the annual Pump It Up Family Fun Walk. In 2016, the Pump It Up team identified alcoholism and substance abuse as major community health issues, and what started as the usual one-year contribution became a program of activities to address the substance abuse problem in Grenada.

“With the support of the benefactors, alliance partners and Pump It Up fun walkers, we were able to achieve and surpass our target of $500,000, with a total of $584,392 after this year’s events in Carriacou and mainland Grenada, surpassing the goal by $84,392,” announced Mr. Larry Lawrence, Managing Director of Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited. 

Minister for Mental Health, Wellness and Religious Affairs, Hon. Delma Thomas receiving the cheque from Co-op Bank’s Managing Director, Mr. Larry Lawrence along with benefactors and the Bank’s Chief Experience Officer, Mr. Willvorn Grainger (second from left).

To ensure the success of this fundraising venture, Co-op Bank enlisted support from corporate Grenada. Jonas Browne & Hubbard (G’da) Ltd, Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd (FLOW), Guardian General Insurance (OECS) Limited, Antillean Group, Coyaba Beach Resort, Body Image Health Club, and Waggy T Rentals & Sounds Company answered the Bank’s call. At the ceremony, the Bank recognised the Pump It Up benefactors’ tremendous contributions. Mr. Willvorn Grainger, Chief Experience Officer of Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited, presented them with tokens of appreciation for their commitment to the Carlton Home restoration. 

The effort to re-establish the Carlton Home Rehabilitation Centre for Substance Abusers encompassed more than fundraising. “As an indigenous institution, we have a vested interest in the wellbeing of the citizens where we operate,” stated Lawrence. “A healthy, thriving population provides the Bank with the opportunity to assist with the attained financial goals of individuals and their families.” As a result, the Pump It Up team employed a holistic approach to public awareness to share messages of prevention, the importance of seeking help when challenged by substance abuse, and the need for a specialized facility to assist during the rehabilitation process. 

The late Derrick La Borde, a fervent advocate for Carlton Home’s restoration, joined the Bank’s public awareness initiatives, sharing his story as a recovering alcoholic. Mr. La Borde’s tremendous contributions to the cause were recognised and honoured during the ceremony. 

Hon. Delma Thomas, Minister for Mental Health, Wellness and Religious Affairs accepted the donation for the re-establishment of Carlton Home and commended the private sector partnership in addressing crucial societal needs. “Co-op Bank’s generous donation not only demonstrates corporate social responsibility but also underscores a shared commitment to improving public health and social welfare. Such initiatives play a pivotal role in community development and promoting a culture of compassion and support for individuals struggling with addiction,” said Minister Thomas.

Minister Thomas also expressed her gratitude to the Grenadian public for their overwhelming support and generous contributions. “Your participation in the health walks over the years and your financial donations reflect the spirit of unity and compassion that defines our nation. Together we are making a tangible difference in the lives of our fellow Grenadian citizens, demonstrating the power of collaborative action in addressing pressing social challenges.”

The funds raised from the Pump It Up walks will be used to outfit the new rehabilitation centre. According to Minister Thomas, the new facility will be constructed in St. Andrew, on the premises of the former Nurses’ Hostel. The funds will remain in a trust managed by the Board of Trustees until construction of the facility is complete. 

Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited extends its gratitude to its partners and the public for their resolute and unwavering support over the years. The Bank intends to continue the Healthier Lifestyles programme and, by extension, hold the Pump It Up Family Fun Walk next year with a new beneficiary. 

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